elena + michael : 2009.5.29
Before I go any further I need to mention that I have never felt more welcomed at a wedding then at Elena and Michaels wedding. Elena, you, your family and your friends were so wonderful to Ronnie and I tonight It reminded me why I love weddings so much, Thank you.
These photos are some of my favorite untermeyer park photos. Michael grew up in Yonkers and spent many days (or nights) ; ) in Untermeyer park. He showed me some places I never thought of shooting. He gave new life to a park I thought was way overshot. Add these new locations to a bride that was up for anything and you get something special. From the minute I walked in the door she kept saying to me do anything you want. That always works for me. It makes me step back and analyze the wedding photography world and realize that people want something different. If you approach every wedding with a list of “shots” your style and career is going to get old quick. Elena you desire for something different made me look at the day differently, for that I also thank you!
You guys were an absolute pleasure to work with. I hope you enjoy this sample. This is the tip of the iceburg there is lots more to come!!
I also need to mention Art (thats not just a clever name, check out his site) from Northeast Horizons. (He shot the video.) It was a pleasure to work with you again Art your work is definitely above average and I look forward to working with in the future!
p.s. Apparently I had many fans at this wedding (hi guys!) Don’t be afraid to comment! : )