ronnie scavetta

ronnie has worked with the studio for 10 years. he is a true testament to the product of apprenticeship. beginning as my lighting assistant, he worked his way up the ladder to first assistant, then secondary photographer, until ultimately reaching his goal in becoming a primary photographer.


ronnie has worked with the studio for 10 years. he is a true testament to the product of apprenticeship. beginning as my lighting assistant, he worked his way up the ladder to first assistant, then secondary photographer, until ultimately reaching his goal in becoming a primary photographer. as my assistant, ronnie possessed a sense of intuition, something that cannot be taught, knowing exactly what I need, when I need it and why. this instinctual knowledge has given him the ability to shoot as a primary, allowing him to mold his unique style into something entirely his own.

having a background in electronics, he mastered the technical aspect of photography instantly, creating a rather particular aesthetic. spending the past eight years shooting side by side with me, he has developed an eye most similar to mine. on many occasions, ronnie and I take the exact same photo without even realizing it. its an unparalleled bond that compliments the studio and the work we do here.