Category: Weddings
diane + tony : 2010.12.4
nicole and mike : 2010.12.3
dianne + tony : 2010.12.4
nancy + dave : 2010.11.19

As the winter approaches and the days get shorter it becomes increasingly more difficult to shoot outdoors. It takes meticulous planning to get everything right and thats exactly what nancy and dave did.  We started at nancy’s parents house in the bronx, early : ), and then ventured out to maywood new jersey to meet up with the boys. With the help of silverstar limo everything went off perfectly as planned. We ended up at the old maywood train station that the town has restored and made into a museum. It was very cool and different from what I usually choose as a location, I like it a but more grungy if you know what I mean. But Im all for change every once in a while. I’m loving these shots and couldn’t wait to share it with all of you. Enjoy!

Also my friend Dave from moving pictures was on the job creating another awesome wedding day edit. The preshoot was actually shot in the town I live in, its always nice to see familar things in his video’s.

Lisa + Dave : 2010.11.13

I feel like I have known the salvatores (lisa’s family) my whole life thats probably because I have. Lisa’s father and my father played in an italian band in the 70’s. Lisa parents were kind enough to drop off one of the 45’s they pressed yesterday and I will definitely post that the this blog as soon as I get it scanned. You will all judge if I look my father : )

When I first met lisa and dave they were completely on board and loved everything that the studio did, I knew this would be a great job. Now to choose a location, that was the hard part. The church was in Scarsdale and the reception long island. I knew they wanted something different then what they’ve seen here so the search began. I originally was going to do one of the bridges leading out to the island but felt I have used them a lot this year. They I remembered a session I did a year or so back at corona park in queens. The old worlds fair grounds…perfect. We found so many cool opportunities for photos. My favorite by far was the modern style museum that we photographed them on the inside and we shot from the outside. Just awesome. Then I find out that lisa’s mother has an old license plate from the 60’s with the worlds fair on it what a total coincidence they also dropped that of for me as well. If anyone has seen my office you know how much I love all that “old stuff”.

I find myself completely blessed that I have such wonderful clients that really know me. It was a pleasure to be at your wedding lisa and dave, thank you so much for having us!