Category: Weddings
carmen + john : 2009.5.1

The weather did not quite cooperate yesterday, but we did get very lucky about half an hour after church the rain broke and allowed us to get some photos at one of my favorite spots in Rockland County.
The whole day had this brown tone to it. I can’t quite explain it, you will see when you look at the photos! Anyway, once again I had the pleasure of working with Ed Neary from Milestone video productions, I’m sure the video is going to compliment the album perfectly.

Have a great trip guys we will see you when you get back.


This is not quite there wedding song, but they did cut the cake to it : )

A message to my peers. (in my area)

Preface – You’re going to read this and think, “my God this guy is an ego maniac.”  That might be true, : ) but, on the contrary, I’m just frustrated. I try very hard to stay current and ahead of the curve.

A message to my peers (in my area)
So recently I’ve noticed that you are all changing your websites. May I say it has been long due!
We all look at each other’s work, so lets not pretend. Truthfully, I’m happy to see you all stepping it up,
and this has given me the opportunity to see how your styles are evolving.
It has been said that imitation is the best form of flattery and trust me I’m flattered!
But Instead of being a “copy cat”, try this: when you see something on my blog and you love it, use it to inspire you. Don’t just do the exact same thing. Put your twist on it. We all get stuck in a rut sometimes. But that’s the best part of our jobs. Every day is something different. We wake up in different moods; sometimes there is sun sometimes there’s not. Our subjects are all very unique. So, get to know them – we owe them our best effort. Not every bride belongs sitting on the floor. Don’t just follow the recipe that is working for me; because, you are not me. You are you. Now go develop that.
How many times have you arrived at the popular place for photos to see 3 other photographers fighting over the same spot? That’s the best opportunity to go for it and break the mold. Some of the best photos I’ve taken are in locations I have never shot before.
Anyway, the purpose is not to rant. However, you know who you are, I need not mention names. I’m glad I set the bar higher this season now go out there and create something outrageous and unique to yourself.
P.S. – If you get nothing out of this and I’m still your “inspiration” at least be smart and don’t post those friggin’ shots on your site : )

This is how I feel!


last weekend

I’m finally back to a regular schedule. Last weekend was a true test to what my crew and I are capable of. Next time someone hears me complain about working too much, remind me of this weekend. Nothing will ever be like this again.

It all started Thursday afternoon when I shot Joe and Maria in NYC. Engagement sessions are always more relaxed than weddings, simply because I’m not wearing a suit and there is no white gown. We had a great time and I used some spots in the meat packing district that I have never used before, so we got some new angles on a familiar spot.

Friday was Jackie and Nicks wedding. I met them through Jackie’s sister Diana, whose wedding I shot a few years back. I was right at home in Jackie’s house; after all I shot there already. Jackie was a great subject and I tested myself to create completely different images than I had for Diana. After the ceremony, it was off to Glen Island park and again I tested myself. Glen Island is a park that is completely overshot at this point. So, I picked different locations (well for me at least) I’m sure other photographers have shot in these places. But it felt great to not go to the water and the rocks!

Saturday. The marathon begins.
Christina and Marc’s wedding was one of those highly anticipated weddings for me. I have shot a few times now with them and we have gotten pretty close. Marc is a creative director for an advertising firm in the city and he had me shoot some stuff for them. So we are like old friends and they totally understand my shooting style! We shot all the formal photos at the reception hall. If you follow my blog you know that I think Beckwith Pointe in New Rochelle has the greatest grounds! In addition, we stopped at a park in Rye that Christina’s sister scouted a few days before. I’m so glad that she did. The park had the most beautiful cherry trees I have ever seen and they really lent themselves to photos. We also found a fallen tree that was really cool to shoot. After the photos the reception went off without a hitch.

Now, Sunday. The fun begins.
Ronnie and I needed to be in Ashtabula, Ohio on Sunday at 1 pm. I never cut weddings this close EVER. But Sunday’s wedding was Seth Lederer, the brother of a former groom, Eric whose wedding I shot a few years ago. Destination weddings usually require me to be free the day before so I can travel and not have to stress about the traveling part. But I was already booked and they really wanted me to do the wedding, right Eric?? So, I decided to cut things close. Seth and I planned this trip perfectly. Ronnie and I got home from Saturday’s wedding at 2 a.m. (I made him sleep over) We were set to leave my house at 4 a.m. to make a 6 a.m. flight. So if your counting, that’s TWO HOURS OF SLEEP! I planned to sleep on the plane. Yeah right!

Everything was cool until we got to the Triboro Bridge toll. Total lock down. We sat in traffic until 5:55. The plane leaves at 6. While we were sitting there deciding what to do I decided to put Ashtabula into my navigation. 7 hours. “I can do it in 6” and off we went. We drove straight through, stopping only for a coffee and gas.

Once we arrived in Ashtabula, I needed to scout the area. We made a quick lap around the town and decided on our four spots. That awesome photo with the metal structure in the back is in front of a lift bridge; Ashtabula’s claim to fame. Apparently there is only a few of those in the country. I am really pleased with the series of photos, considering I had never, ever shot there before. So, for all you brides that are concerned that I have never been to your catering hall…I hope this proves that your in good hands!