tracy + steve : 2009.8.22
I swear I will recap this entire weekend but this being the first wedding of three this weekend I need some sleep : )
Slide show music is what I think their first dance song was, (I cant remember) Here and Now by Luther Vandros Someone please let me know if this is wrong!
Can you believe it?
I didn’t have any weddings this weekend, Don’t worry it was deliberate. Catherine the girls and I usually go away the second week in August but this year we decided to stay home so I could start renovating our master bathroom.
Exciting news I’m sure your all thrilled for me.
Anyway I wanted to post a save the date card I just finished for Tracey and Angelo. They had their photos at the highline in NYC and I loved the card so I wanted to share it.
Next weekend I have a triple so you will have lots of wedding photos to see!
kate and james : 2009.8.8
James and I have been friends since I was 5, when he called and said he was getting married I didn’t give him an option. “I’m shooting your wedding” I told him!
We had such a great time at Playland. I started in the normal spots and decided to get a little adventurous and walked to a section I had never been to before.
It was so worth it, check out the last image totally insane. Thanks so much guys for having me there (like you had a choice) It was great seeing everyone again.
Slide show music is In Your Eyes by Jeffrey Gaines the song they danced their first dance to.
jennie and rich : 2009.8.1
once again I worked with dave from moving pictures both days this weekend. I got to see some of the shots and they were awesome. Can’t wait to see the edit!