lisa + pete : 2009.9.21
I’m sure you all know Ronnie by now. If not he is the person that I spend most of my time with. Yes even more time then I spend with my wife. Well this wedding is Ronnie’s older brother Pete. Leading up to this wedding I was giving ronnie such a hard time about the speech, and the day off so he could be the best man. I am happy to report that Ronnie’s speech was one of the best, best man speeches I’ve heard in a while, Way to go Ron! All the photos were taken at Fordham University in the bronx, I love shooting at Fordham. If your alumni lets talk about shooting there!
Lisa’s makeup was done by the wonderful Jill Imbrogno any time Jill does the brides make-up its always perfect. If your searching for the perfect person to do you make-up give jill a call!
My good friend Jamie Villarie provided the entertainment and the dance floor was packed all night!
This weekend also wrapped a three day weekend with my friend Dave from moving pictures. Yes, Dave and I worked all three days together and I didn’t kill him. Friggen video guys : ) The internet recap that he put together for lisa and pete is below. Great job Dave.
lisa & peters internet recap in HD 9.20.09 from moving pictures llc on Vimeo.