Category: Weddings
kathryn + larry : 2009.10.16

Blogging from the reception makes my life so easy, thanks Surf Club for the free WiFi : )

Katie had a minor issue this morning with a broken zipper but thanks to a family seamstress friend the problem was knocked out.
The day went as smooth as possible thanks to larry and katie’s relaxed approach to life! The rain was not an issue. Actually I took one of the sickest photos ever. I will point it out but trust me its not necessary!


This one! wow


My friend Ed Neary from milestone video productions was on hand to shoot some video. Ed is always so much fin to work with, here is a quick teaser he put together for katy and larry!
Oh yeah until the blog is completely fixed your going to need to turn the music off from my main site (bottom left hit the blue square)

october 2009 update

I don’t even know where to begin with this. It all started Thursday afternoon when I tried to move my website from one server to another. That totally didn’t work, at all, I lost everything! The only thing that I had a backup of was this blog. I was completely lost, but thanks to the work of my brilliant web designer Kris Locascio we were up and running in a few short days. The site is being completely rebuilt and should be 100% by the middle of the week.

So yeah, its now 1:45 and I just finished blogging all three weddings, I couldn’t leave my dedicated monday morning blog readers out in the cold. And trust me the blog party is not ending here for the week. I have 5 portrait clients tomorrow and 3 engagement sessions to shoot this week so if your into it check back mid week. Shit maybe you should all become a wednesday morning blog checker. Alright enough I’m going to bed.


Oh yeah – what do you think of the new music? And yes I know song number three is a song about some dude that runs into his ex girlfriend and cant deal. Not really wedding related, but still a killer song!