angela + vinny : 2009.11.21
When Vinny told me that he wanted to stop briefly at his body shop and service station before we headed to Brooklyn my mind started racing. I will admit that I was nervous at first. How can I possibly make this cool and sexy at the same time. How will we do this without destroying her dress. (Well that was the easy part, I swiped a towel from the garage at vinnys house!) When we arrived at the station Vinnys father had arranged for all his loyal customers and friends to welcome them, what a nice touch. I couldn’t believe how many people showed up! We only had a few minutes to make this happen so I immediately started walking around hoping to get quickly inspired. It turned out to be easy. The spray booth is where they spray cars and then let the paint bake on. But its lit with tons of fluorescent lights. It reminded me of that michael jackson video (I don’t remember what it was called, not really a michael jackson fan but the video stands out in my mind).
I never would have imagined it to go so well but it turned out to be one of the easiest shoots ever. And now Vinny and Angela will have something different to forever remember their day.
Thanks guys for this awesome day!
oh the slideshow music is not their first dance. I dont remember what the first dance song was. But this was the song that was playing when the 2 hour traffic I was sitting in finally opened up on 87 at 1am. : |
Its not exactly a love song so Im happy to change it if someone knows Vinny and Anges first dance song…
Thanks Lisa for the song update!
Dave from moving pictures just sent me the link to Vinny and Angela’s internet recap. This is by far one of the best edits dave and his team have ever done. I am really impressed with their ability as artists and their vision on this project. (whats up Joe Video) Check it out…
angela & vinny 11.21.09 from moving pictures llc on Vimeo.
what no wedding this weekend?
Nope, the winter is coming!
So in order to keep the blog current and interesting I decided to pull some of the engagement photos I shot in the past few weeks.
But most importantly I want to introduce everyone to Nancy.
You might remember her from this years weddings. The photos were in the gallery section of my website for the first half of the year,
she was the bride with the blue shoes and her husband Frankie was standing on the guard rail under the Throggs Neck Bridge.
Still don’t remember her, here is the post.
Anyway she is the new studio manager and in charge of everything office related.
In the future you will get emails from her, and me, but mostly her regarding things like timelines for your weddings, booking appointments, picking up proofs/albums.
So you can put a face with the name here’s nancy!
And here are some of my favorite engagement shots from the past few weeks.
Yes it has been a busy few weeks. : |
laura + mike : 2009.11.7
Yes thats a cop lighting up the picture of them between the tractor trailer, yes they are posing in a tractor trailer.
YES they were the most courageous couple of all time! Not one time did Mike or Laura second guess anything. These photos are some of my favorite to date. Ronnie and I captured a perfect blend of different and traditional. This job defines our style.
Hopefully you all love them as much as I do!
Mike and Laura you guys were so much fun to work with, thanks for “getting me” : )
kristin + dan : 2009.11.6
I had so much fun today.
Kristin, Dan and I have been planning the photo portion of their wedding for months now. Getting married in late fall will give you some beautiful light BUT that light does not last. At around 4:30 its done. So we decided to shoot all the photos prior to the ceremony. With this schedule I could shoot anywhere I wanted. So I of course chose my home town and spent the better part of the day running around Piermont. Living here gives me the opportunity to scout each shooting spot extensively.
Dan and Kristin trusted Ronnie and I to do our thing and never asked why. This is totally obvious in the photo that looks like the are standing in 8 foot high reeds actually they are standing in 8 foot high reeds. I found a spot where a tree fell and carved out a section for them to stand in. It was a little challenging at first but so worth it!
Well thats enough from me for now I need to get some sleep. Im shooting a huge wedding in the morning with some cool surprise locations that have me totally psyched!
Yes the lady bug is real. It was a bitch to get her to stay!
First dance song is the slide show music and it kicks ass. “Steady as we go” by Dave Matthews.
If you don’t like it you suck at picking music.