Category: Ronnie
april + joe : 2011.4.16

lots of stuff to talk about on this one. But Im shot I will post comments soon.

francesca + bruno : 2011.4.8

camera crew:
RICKY restiano – first camera
RONNIE scavetta – second camera

This post is for Adam Forgione!

Adam from Pennylane Productions just asked a question on facebook.

My answer was yes as long as we had some other type of main light. He also asked for examples.
Real fast I remembered two shots Ronnie took at a reception during the first dance and a random dance set.

Both images were shot around 5000 ISO and with the worlds greatest camera the nikon D3s!

So Adam the answer is yes, Good photographers can make it happen!

EDITED to add three more.

danielle + jimmy : 2011.1.29

You would think that the 3 feet of snow that we’ve gotten in the past few weeks would have mad it difficult to shoot this wedding or maybe the slightly above freezing temperatures, nope that didn’t make it difficult either. Actually today was one of the easiest days to photograph a wedding, and that was because Danielle and Jimmy made it that way. They are such a laid back fun couple that nothing and I mean nothing got in the way of them enjoying every second of this awesome day.

After I remember that Jimmie was a fireman in the bronx I immediately had the thought of getting permission to shoot inside the station. That took a simple phone call to Jimmie and we were all set. I’m mentioning that because I want to make sure you all get to those photos at the end of this slide show.

Camera crew consisted of:
RICKY restiano – first camera
RONNIE scavetta – second camera
CHRIS perino – camera assistant

makeup by:
Valentina Wagner
if anyone would like her info shoot me an email.

2010 crew recap

As many of you know at every event we not only take photos of our clients we also take photos of each other. : ) Last year we had such an awesome time shooting each other that I couldn’t narrow it down. So hold on to your seat this slide show is fast paced!