Category: ricky
april + joe : 2011.4.16

lots of stuff to talk about on this one. But Im shot I will post comments soon.

nicole + mike : 2011.4.9

Funny story about Nicole and Mike  (or Mikey as I remember him). I met the Avezzano’s 16 or so years ago and would occasionally see them around. I don’t think Mike knew I was a wedding photographer. But not many 10 year olds would. So when it came time to plan his wedding, Nicole told him she had a photographer in mind that she wanted to use and showed Mike our website. “Wait, I know that guy”.  I was shocked to see Mike show up at the office for our consultation but was so happy that they were considering me after all these years. Another connection was made when I found out that Nicole was a Larkin. My wife Catherine’s family has been friends with the Larkins for 50 something years.  So at this point I had to do this wedding!

This is what I love about shooting weddings. Connections made years ago are quickly renewed and it is like old times. Everyone knows everyone and that just makes my job easier.

camera crew:
RICKY restiano – first camera
RONNIE scavetta – second camera
CHRIS perino – camera assistant

francesca + bruno : 2011.4.8

camera crew:
RICKY restiano – first camera
RONNIE scavetta – second camera

This post is for Adam Forgione!

Adam from Pennylane Productions just asked a question on facebook.

My answer was yes as long as we had some other type of main light. He also asked for examples.
Real fast I remembered two shots Ronnie took at a reception during the first dance and a random dance set.

Both images were shot around 5000 ISO and with the worlds greatest camera the nikon D3s!

So Adam the answer is yes, Good photographers can make it happen!

EDITED to add three more.

jen + vic : 2011.3.19

camera crew:
RICKY restiano – first camera
RONNIE scavetta – second camera
CHRIS perino – camera assistant