Category: ricky
lori + eddie : engaged [RICKY]

Sorry for not posting to this blog recently. We have been shooting engagements non stop for two weeks straight and I have been really behind with this part of the business. But there is some good news there is a new blog coming in a few weeks that will be maintained way more frequently!

Until then take a look at these engagement photos, Lori and Eddie worked it for sure : ) Eddie is by far one of the most comfortable people in front of the camera I have ever met! Combine that with how beautiful Lori is and we get some amazing photos.

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megan and bobby : engaged

Its engagement session season, between ronnie anthony and I we basically shoot 4 – 5 engagement session a week. So the time to blog these has kinda slipped away from me. I figured this would be a nice way to bring the blog back into the mix.
I have some good news actually, I plan to change the blog around a bit and make it more fun, instead of a ton of wedding slideshows over and over again, that kinda sucks. So for now I have returned to the old way of posting. Im going to only blog a few of my favorite images from each wedding/session so I don’t bore everyone. Ok enough from me, pretty picture time.
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jillian + marco : engaged

During this shoot the fog rolled in and created some of the most unique lighting I have shot in a long time. Add that to the completely eroded beach and you get these. Pretty cool stuff.