renee and mike : engaged
How many times have you driven to queens or Kennedy Airport and drove past the old worlds fair grounds. I have memories going back to when I was a teenager of the giant globe (unisphere). Well recently I was driving to a wedding and saw it again. The difference is now I was looking at it in a completely different way. “how cool would it be to shoot a wedding there” I finally got the chance. Renee and Mike live in queens and knew exactly what I was talking about when I said the globe thing. Anthony and I arrived early to scope out the grounds and we couldn’t believe how many cool spots there were to shoot in. We never even made it to the unisphere, thats how much we had to work with. If anyone out there reads this and is having a wedding in queens make sure your photographer takes you there!
Oh yeah, who is Anthony you might ask. He is going to be the next big thing! Seriously, I am in the process of putting together another crew of insanely talented people to shoot events when I am already booked. I will point out Anthonys shots in this post, and so that you can put a face to the name. Here is a photo of Anthony posing for me as we scouted the park.
And now for the reason for the post. Renee and Mike!
Here is Anthonys shot. My angle is from up in the tower. Anthony was kind enough to take a picture of that!
This next one is another of Anthonys.
And the last of Anthony’s, this shot is completely to his credit. He scouted this grass and set up the shot.
Here is my version.
I cant express how awesome this location is for photos. For any of my queens weddings in 2010, lets talk locations!!
my little ballerina
Monday was visiting day at gretchens ballet school. The door is usually closed to prevent the kids from getting distracted. But today we were all invited in. I was so impressed with her ability to concentrate on something at such a young age, she’s not even 4 yet. I know I will remember this day forever.
Stone Barn and NYC
I had two sessions today.
I shot an adorable little girl for her Christmas cards and an engagement session for Rich and Courtney getting married next year.
oh I can’t stop saying “pappa loves baby” Its totally stuck!
what no wedding this weekend?
Nope, the winter is coming!
So in order to keep the blog current and interesting I decided to pull some of the engagement photos I shot in the past few weeks.
But most importantly I want to introduce everyone to Nancy.
You might remember her from this years weddings. The photos were in the gallery section of my website for the first half of the year,
she was the bride with the blue shoes and her husband Frankie was standing on the guard rail under the Throggs Neck Bridge.
Still don’t remember her, here is the post.
Anyway she is the new studio manager and in charge of everything office related.
In the future you will get emails from her, and me, but mostly her regarding things like timelines for your weddings, booking appointments, picking up proofs/albums.
So you can put a face with the name here’s nancy!
And here are some of my favorite engagement shots from the past few weeks.
Yes it has been a busy few weeks. : |