Category: portrait

Busy is an understatement…

Somehow I had the time to shoot all these engagements and get ready for a huge wedding weekend.
(three of the largest weddings this year are this weekend)
Actually I take that back, I know how it was possible one word, Ronnie. None of this would be possible without you Ron.
Behind every great photographer there is a seriously strong second. And I was fortunate enough to get one that is eager and talented. One day he will be shooting first and trust me it will be a great day.

I also owe you guys Mike and Melindas wedding at glenn island that is completely insane. I hope I have time to post that tomorrow before we shoot. Later for now…

Nicole and Michael : the City

Lisa and Joe : the Beach

erica and Stephen : the River

tracy and angelo : post wedding

The final chapter of Tracy and Angelo took place under the Whitestone Bridge.
If you follow this blog you know that my favorite time to shoot is late in the afternoon,
but for the finale session with Tracey and Angelo I thought it would be cool to do it at the other end of the clock.
Yep, sunrise. This in theory was a great idea. Then I realized that I would have to be up and out of my house at 4:30.
Not even considering that Tracy would have to be up even earlier to do hair and make up. Oh well no looking back now we were committed to this other time to shoot.
I tried to get some help but no one was available that early except Dave from moving pictures he was oh so happy. Right Dave?

Anyway Im kicking this off with a small recap of all the session we did with Tracy and Angelo.They were such wonderful subjects Im sad that its over, thanks so much for everything guys, it was an awesome run.

This first session was in NYC in the meat packing district.

this was the jones beacj session we filmed our promo video during.

and of course the wedding!

finally, this was the post session under the whitestone bridge.