Category: portrait
belly beautiful : the leggios

I’m no stranger to the belly bump lately. Today I was asked to photograph mamma Leggio, before she pops next week!  I was happy to do so. Their house really lent itself to photos. My favorite, by far, was the close up of her belly on the wall with the vertical stripes; can you ask for more than that?  I also have to mention that Rob was a stellar assistant holding the reflector!  Like I said Rob,  you will always have a job with me if the restaurant biz doesn’t work out!


my cousins kids!

My cousin JR (from Alex and Henry’s fame, you remember Alex and Henry’s) wanted to surprise his wife with photos of the kids for her birthday. (hope this doesn’t kill the surprise) I was happy to oblige. We walked down the street form their house and I found some woods with this old A frame structure, the perfect background : ) Anyway here are my favorites.



update on the girls.

Its been some time since I posted some pics of my favorite subjects. Gretchen and Cath were on the way out for a walk on the pier so I grabbed some photos before they left.

Also pics of stella 5 months old already can you believe it?



I love comments!!

smart event

This past Sunday I was asked to photograph a road rally for the Smart Center in Englewood, NJ This was the first experience I have ever had with a road rally and it was a blast! The dealer invited anyone that purchased a smart car from them to join in this trip. All together, 30 cars turned out and it was quite an experience.  We got tons of attention everywhere we went. I guess it’s still such a novelty to see one of these cars traveling down the road next to huge SUV’s.  It seems that 30 of them was way too crazy! People along the way asked “where the hell were all those smart cars going?” Hysterical!!

We stopped four times, providing many photo opportunities.  As great as each stop was, the most exiting photo op was not a stop at all. Actually it was at about 60 mph, hanging out the window as we drove down the parkway! The resulting shot is below and it turned out to be one of my favorites from the day. Glad I didn’t drop my camera : ) Enjoy!