Category: Personal
update on the weens

Stella also affectionately refered to as Weenie or Weens… Don’t ask, has not had much blog love lately.
So here she is at an incredibly awesome 14 months old. This is by the way the perfect age in my opinion.
Oh yeah, I am purposely leaving Gretchen out of this post Sorry G you always get the spotlight. Just look two posts down.


my little ballerina

Monday was visiting day at gretchens ballet school. The door is usually closed to prevent the kids from getting distracted. But today we were all invited in. I was so impressed with her ability to concentrate on something at such a young age, she’s not even 4 yet. I know I will remember this day forever.


Gretchens first (and second) day of school

Believe it or not, Gretchen started school this year. (Actually I’m probably the only person who can’t believe it.)
Where the hell did the time go. I feel like she was just born and already she is off to school.

It was an awesome morning gretchen was so excited the night before, all she kept talking about was the pony’s and chickens at her school. (more about them later : )

Gretchen chose her outfit for the first day. Here she is posing on the steps in her dress.


First day hair style.

First day shoes!

Off to the car, she brought her favorite pony for the ride. We left him in the car though because at school she has a real pony to play with!


Gretch likes the guy on the right but my favorite is the donkey (yeah I know!)


Heres the chicken coop!


Stella was on hand to help Gretch with the transition.



This is the start to day two.


In true Restiano fashion we were the first ones there. It’s never to early to learn the importance of being punctual : )


If your wondering why there are chickens, pony’s and donkeys at Gretchens school its because Catherine and I follow a different philosophy on children and their developmental stages.
If you want to know more I will be more than happy to share, just not here, give me a call!

— Edited to add it is not a farmer school, thanks for making me laugh Shari!
The kids do other activities like painting singing and dancing. The basic principle is to let the children develop their imagination and creative side before the abc’s and 123’s. The animals are a bonus. ( Im still laughing at Shari’s email : )

more from Tennessee

Ill be back tomorrow evening and available to talk if anyone needs me.
Until then here are some more photos from Tennessee.
We are in Franklin right now thats only 20 minutes from Nashville.
Catherine’s sister Teri and her husband David have a gorgeous home/ranch on tons of property.
The coolest thing ever is they have a stream on the property that runs down from a mountain
and after it rains arrowheads are scattered all over the stream.
Not kidding. Native American arrowheads wash right down the stream.
I found 5 none of them were perfect but Teri has 2 completely intact.
All in all this was a great trip and very relaxing.
I’m raring to go for the second quarter of the wedding season.
This is where I found the first arrowhead. Think about how cool this is, the last person to touch this was a native american 200 something years ago. Wow!
We had some left over sparklers to play with.
Here is little G running Bailey.

taking another little break – Tennessee

I snatched up my family and ran to Tennessee to visit my father and his wife for a few days.
We are also going to visit Catherine’s sister in Nashville.
This is all part of my new formula for surviving the wedding season and staying fresh.
All work and no play… well you know the rest.
If anyone needs me please send me an email [ ricky (at) rickyrestiano (dot) com ], I am not checking messages at the office.
I will talk to everyone when I get back. (Friday morning)
