Category: Personal
Happy Mothers Day

Happy mothers day to all the mommies out there, and to the mommy of my little girls. You’re intelligent, beautiful, caring and supportive. Thank you for being such a wonderful role model for our little angels.

Easter weekend

I was lucky this year with no weddings on easter weekend so I got to spend both days with family.
Saturday was a big day at my mothers she was making homemade pasta for Sunday and Gretchen got to help.
There is something about that board the pasta machine is attached to that brings me right back to the 80’s. Its the same piece of wood and same pasta machine that my grandmother used to make the “macaroni” for easter dinner. I was taken by the moment watching gretchen helping just like I did. Ahhh memories!

Stella didn’t get to help with the pasta but she did carry this shovel around for half the day!

Easter morning was spent at home and then we headed over to my mother in laws for dinner. This is the girls in there easter shirts which is a white tank top (AKA the easter beater!) that catherine added some handmade flowers to. She used scraps of fabric that she had leftover from the dresses she made for the girls. My kids are so serious, whats that about?

Just a cool shot of G.

Stella attacked me while I was sleeping in the grass.

The way catherine and the girls colored these easter eggs was so clever. She boiled spices, frozen blueberries and a beet. What, no little colored tablets that turn your hands and entire house colors?

And here’s my little niece madeline. This was her first real portrait, I was so honored!

BEST OF 2009 : the crew

If I’ve shot your wedding, undoubtedly you’ve seen the camera turned on me or ronnie and actually anybody that works with us. Its part of the job to photograph and be photographed! If it wasn’t for these photos I dont think anyone would believe what we go through to get the shot. So this third installment is of us and the craziness that we put ourselves through for all of you.
One more thing, you are going to see a lot of me posing thats done so we can check to see if the death defying spots we are putting you guys in is worth it. And of course it is! Oh and the music is from the greatest movie ever!

The best of engagement contest is over and…

Wow that got heated. I actually blocked comments for the below post in order to not let this get any more attention, I also removed some of the comments.

Plus for family and friends of Nicole #7 I spoke with her and offered her the canvas of her choice at my cost! My intention was to have a little fun with this not create a bride war : )

So yes #9 Christina and Mike you guys are the winners and you get a free 24×36 canvas gallery wrap.

The lesson learned here is that viral marketing is a power not to be reckoned with!
The next series of photos will be a best of weddings 2009 with no voting! Stay tuned.

I know, its been a while!

I just looked at my last blog post and realized its been a long time.

Truthfully I needed to reset. In total last year Ronnie, Jason and I shot almost 100 weddings.
That might not seem like a lot but think about that!
Anyway, Im back and totally refreshed. I spent the last few weeks with Gretchen and Stella oh and Cath : )
For those of you who did not receive a christmas card from us here it is.
As usual its not your typical card. And no the stuffed animals were not in the original picture.


So this new year has presented some huge opportunities for me and the studio.
First off I will be welcoming two new photographers to the team.
Anthony Petrozza is joining as a main photographer and will be shooting his own weddings starting mid year.
We just shot his head shot for the website. Everyone say hi to Anthony!


This means that the studio will now be able to accomodate three weddings in one day.
No more sad faces when the phnoe rings and I’m not available!

Anthony brings a refreshing new approach to the mix and I will be sure to point out all of his work as the new year unfolds.
And in a few days I should have his about page up and a gallery of last years images posted.

Next is a second shooter who has been interning at the office for the past year.
Kerrie Sansky has assisted me and also has shot second camera throughout 2009
Kerrie joins as a second shooter for 2010.
Sorry no photo of Ms. Sansky yet : (

This new year will also have Ronnie and I traveling for a few weddings including an event overseas.
In August we will shoot in Gozo, Malta.
For those of you not familiar with Malta its one of Europe’s smallest countries and is located off the coast of Italy.
Before I signed the contract to shoot the wedding there I did a little bit of research and was totally blown away with how beautiful the country is.
Im really looking forward to this experience.

So hang on everyone this year is going to be as huge as the last two years and I promise to keep it interesting.


Edited to add
Thats right I forgot to mention that in the next few days I will be posting a best of 2009. Plus a little slide show of me and the crew risking our lives to get some awesome images for all of you!