Category: Personal
Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays and all that.

We (me and the girls) spent the entire christmas weekend at home. We didn’t leave once, what a great feeling. In all the past years we have been the ones to run around and chase the party. This year I requested the party to come to us! It totally worked out because this year I was a total slacker and didnt photograph the girls for our christmas card in time to send them out before christmas. So we figured we can just send them after. Catherine had the vision for this card wanting to make the girls up and give the photo a romantic feel. She found the feather thats in gretchens hair at a craft store and put it together with that little clip. I chose the background and of course was in charge of the lighting for the photos. Gretchen and stella did all the posing themselves. I kid you not Gretchen wrapped her arms around on her own. I am so excited about this years card I only wish I had gotten it out in time, Oh well there is always next year. The first two photos are the actual images and then I’m posting the card.

Here is the actual card:

the two photos of the girls individually are on the inside, I didnt want to post them twice. This collage of B&W’s is on the back.

Catching up

I have been running literally for four months now, the 2010 weddings season officially ends Saturday. So in preperation I started to catalog all my personal stuff  so I have lots of stuff to show until the wedding season kicks back up.

The past few months we all had birthdays, I turned 36, Stella turned 2 and Gretchen turned 5 oh and got her second official haircut. (thats the first photo).  So this series of photos is a little of all of that. I started with gretchen’s haircut because Im obsessed with it. She looks so damn cute I can’t stop looking at her. After that is a bunch of photos from thanksgiving and Gretchen’s cowboys and indians birthday party.

Update on Gretchy…stella calls her that

Gretchen turns 5 next month, and this has by far been the most interesting of all years. She has become a little person seemingly overnight. This series of photos consists of halloween (yesterday) and a trip to her ballet class.

Catherine made gretchy’s costume from scratch except for the leotard. I love how she stayed close to the original batgirl but added some stylish flare : )
G will wear this costume literally until it tears apart. When the cape is on she truly believes she can run faster and protect the innocent.

The ballet photos were tough to get because once G see’s me she immediately starts posing. So for these I hid in a dark room next too the dance studio and grabbed what I could. Hopefully you can get an Idea of G’s personality form these photos she really has an amazing little spirit!

Gretchens 1st day

Gretchen started school today. She loved her outfit and wanted me to take some photos of it. Stella also got a moment to shine.

Gretchen update, finally

Gretchen finally allowed me to photograph her.
These were taken yesterday at Stone Barn in Pocantico hills. My girls love to stroll around and check out the farm and all the animals.
I asked gretch to stop and pose and she asked me like a “fashion girl” or a “wedding girl?” Of course I picked a wedding girl!