Category: engaged
lori + eddie : engaged [RICKY]

Sorry for not posting to this blog recently. We have been shooting engagements non stop for two weeks straight and I have been really behind with this part of the business. But there is some good news there is a new blog coming in a few weeks that will be maintained way more frequently!

Until then take a look at these engagement photos, Lori and Eddie worked it for sure : ) Eddie is by far one of the most comfortable people in front of the camera I have ever met! Combine that with how beautiful Lori is and we get some amazing photos.

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megan and bobby : engaged

Its engagement session season, between ronnie anthony and I we basically shoot 4 – 5 engagement session a week. So the time to blog these has kinda slipped away from me. I figured this would be a nice way to bring the blog back into the mix.
I have some good news actually, I plan to change the blog around a bit and make it more fun, instead of a ton of wedding slideshows over and over again, that kinda sucks. So for now I have returned to the old way of posting. Im going to only blog a few of my favorite images from each wedding/session so I don’t bore everyone. Ok enough from me, pretty picture time.
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jillian + marco : engaged

During this shoot the fog rolled in and created some of the most unique lighting I have shot in a long time. Add that to the completely eroded beach and you get these. Pretty cool stuff.

michelle + frank : engaged [ ANTHONY ]

Check out the latest Engagement session by Anthony. He will be shooting lots of these this year. We would love to here what you guys think of them. Also if anyone has some cool suggestions for locations please let us know.

kristy + anthony : engaged [ ANTHONY ]

Anthony shot engagement photos for Kristy and Anthony this week at a location completly out of the ordinary. At first I was a bit skeptical about the idea but as soon as Anthony and I walked into Miller Motorcars in Greenwhich I was sold. The building was an old tudor style building with huge picture windows letting tons of light into the showroom. Oh and that showroom was filled with about 20-30 different Ferraris and Maseratis. Totally nuts, there must have been 10 million dollars worth of cars in this building. Im loving Anthony’s take on engagement session. Hopefully you all love it as well.