Category: Business

I cant get through a day without listening to music. It completely controls my mood and inspires me when I’m working. In the past few weeks I have received a few e-mails, some from people I know and some from people I’ve never met. They were all the same question. “What music is that on your website?” So here are the top three albums that I have been listening to. Not all of them are on my site.


Number one (and I CANNOT believe that he is not WAY more famous) is Ray La Montagne.  His music is so special and has an ethereal sound all of its own. His sound is ghostly lyrics.

Number two is Damian Rice.  This album is probably not wedding or relationship fitting, unless your breaking up!  And if that’s the case your definitely  looking at the wrong  site : ) But still, he has a great sound. When you here 9 crimes you’ll know what I’m talking about!

number 3 is Catherine’s absolute favorite Ben Taylor.  Apparently Catherine would leave me for him.  That’s nice!   But anyway, Wicked Way is the first song on my website. For those of you who don’t know, he’s the son of James Taylor and Carlie Simon.

Now, since I don’t want to post without a photo, here is a photo of the scene when I got home from work yesterday. Catherine and Gretchen made me cupcakes.



The belly beautiful

One of Cath’s best friends, has a friend who is an editor at FitPregnancy.  An email was sent out  asking for shots of pregnant bellies of all shapes and sizes! And that email luckily came to us.  Of course I had like hundreds. So we submitted one and it got printed in the February/March issue. Way in the back, last page, dead center. I managed to get little G in the photo as well.



And here is the shot.


house of cards

Since the beginning of my photographic career, I have been searching for unique business cards. I can’t stand poorly designed logos and business stationary. I am so lucky to have found what, I think, is the coolest business cards around.  Letterpress.  For those of you not familiar with letterpress stationary, it is a very heavy paper stock with the printing debossed into the paper, then inked. I found a company that has done many cards for photographers. Studio Z in California. Zida was an absolute pleasure to do business with and really helped with the final layout and design of the card. For all of you that really want a rare style invitation, I strongly recommend something letterpress. Seriously, you will never see anything like it. Don’t believe me stop by and pick up one of my new cards!!

When it came to photographing it, I certainly could not just take a simple picture!  I had to do something out of the ordinary. The fact that the cards are so thick made them perfect materials to build a house of cards!






After we were done, it was more fun to take it down! : )


from a different angle

I thought it would be really cool for everyone to see just how much goes into each photo we create. If we already shot your wedding then you know how we climb just about anything in our way to get the shot! So I made this sideshow; then after making it, I realize that maybe nobody cares to see how much fun and energy we put into each job? But it took me over an hour, so I’m showing it anyway!!
The bonus to all of this is you will get to see Ronnie’s hair go through many, many stages. How exciting! Its a little unfair actually, that he gets to have so many hair styles. However, that’s for another time involving me and a therapist!
Oh and why is Ronnie riding a duck and giving a lion pounds? I have no idea. : )
On with the show!