Category: Business
This post is for Adam Forgione!

Adam from Pennylane Productions just asked a question on facebook.

My answer was yes as long as we had some other type of main light. He also asked for examples.
Real fast I remembered two shots Ronnie took at a reception during the first dance and a random dance set.

Both images were shot around 5000 ISO and with the worlds greatest camera the nikon D3s!

So Adam the answer is yes, Good photographers can make it happen!

EDITED to add three more.

2010 crew recap

As many of you know at every event we not only take photos of our clients we also take photos of each other. : ) Last year we had such an awesome time shooting each other that I couldn’t narrow it down. So hold on to your seat this slide show is fast paced!

tracy and angelo : post wedding

The final chapter of Tracy and Angelo took place under the Whitestone Bridge.
If you follow this blog you know that my favorite time to shoot is late in the afternoon,
but for the finale session with Tracey and Angelo I thought it would be cool to do it at the other end of the clock.
Yep, sunrise. This in theory was a great idea. Then I realized that I would have to be up and out of my house at 4:30.
Not even considering that Tracy would have to be up even earlier to do hair and make up. Oh well no looking back now we were committed to this other time to shoot.
I tried to get some help but no one was available that early except Dave from moving pictures he was oh so happy. Right Dave?

Anyway Im kicking this off with a small recap of all the session we did with Tracy and Angelo.They were such wonderful subjects Im sad that its over, thanks so much for everything guys, it was an awesome run.

This first session was in NYC in the meat packing district.

this was the jones beacj session we filmed our promo video during.

and of course the wedding!

finally, this was the post session under the whitestone bridge.

check us out on Best Hudson Valley Wedding Ever

I totally spaced out on this and forgot to post that we were featured on
Stephanie and Jeff approached me after watching our promotional video that Moving pictures produced for us. They loved it so much that they wanted to blog about it! Of course I was completely ok with that. They have an awesome blog that helps with all aspects of planning a wedding in the hudson valley and beyond.
Our post is a few weeks old at this point but still worth a peak. Check it out here.

And while you are there also check out the post they did about dave and moving pictuers. Dave and the crew produced a trash the dress video that tops all of them out there! You can see that post here.

What a great blog thanks again for the feature Stephanie.

Oh and no post without a photo, here is a shot of Ron Scavetta way up in the overhead conveyers that they hang meat from in the meat packing district.

We need help!

Last week I got some good news, then some bad news, which will turn into some good news for anyone looking for a part time job : )

Good news first. Nancy our incredibly organized office assistant is opening a floral design shop in Katonah, NY. She will be providing arrangements for all events, including weddings! So that of course brings us to the bad news. She is leave us, I’m so sad…
Nancy ran this office like it was her own. And judging from that I know she is going to be incredibly successful in her new venture. We wish nancy all the best in her new career!

Nancy leaving creates a major void in the studio at a critical time for all of us. We need a new office assistant. The position is currently part time and the requirements are simple, you need to be ORGANIZED. Managing 4 artists is not easy and with almost 100 weddings this year we need help : )
On a serious note there are a few things that the new assistant should know before applying.
– Computer skills are a must. 90% of the job requires computer use. (apple computers of course)
– Quickbooks, there is some very light bookkeeping.
– Mid day hours. Nancy worked from 11-3 monday through friday.

If your interested or if you know someone that might be interested please email me and we will set up an interview.