Update on Gretchy…stella calls her that
Gretchen turns 5 next month, and this has by far been the most interesting of all years. She has become a little person seemingly overnight. This series of photos consists of halloween (yesterday) and a trip to her ballet class.
Catherine made gretchy’s costume from scratch except for the leotard. I love how she stayed close to the original batgirl but added some stylish flare : )
G will wear this costume literally until it tears apart. When the cape is on she truly believes she can run faster and protect the innocent.
The ballet photos were tough to get because once G see’s me she immediately starts posing. So for these I hid in a dark room next too the dance studio and grabbed what I could. Hopefully you can get an Idea of G’s personality form these photos she really has an amazing little spirit!
Awesome pictures, Ricky! They are both beautiful.
Ricky these are amazing!! The girls are beautiful! 🙂
The girls are beautiful! I love the costumes!!
She is beautiful. What a doll!
Ricky, the girls are so beautiful!!!!! You’re a lucky daddy 🙂
I love these, Gretchen. Thanks for telling me about the leaping photo. Tell your mom that your costumes are amazing. Can she make me one that gives me super powers to climb trees and walls like your dad and Ronnie?