The blog is back, and the office is done!
I have been away from this for some time, but the spring wedding season officially starts on Saturday so I thought now would be a great time to explain what the hell I have been doing for the past 8 weeks.
The office renovation is complete and we are finally getting back in the groove. It took a ton of work and Imagination to get this boring corporate space to look like something. I thank Catherine (my lady) for all her great ideas and help in getting all the loose ends tied up!
The office that we originally occupied has become the meeting/gallery space and the new room is where we do all the album design and color correction. I am still missing some furniture that I have not picked out yet but Its 90% done.
I would love to hear what you all think. Oh and the party will be in April I expect everyone to come : )
How cool is this plaster guy ~ladders? we dont need no stinken ladders~
Here it is, The wall art is still not up yet, but its going to be just as cool as the gallery wraps. Your going to have to come to the party to see it!
This next series of photos is of the custom desk that I had milled. The brackets are 2 inch black iron straps that Nancy’s (my assistant) father was nice enough to weld for me. He kicks ass. I basically said can you do this and he delivered them in a day. awesome.
The wood is old heart pine from a sugar factory in Brooklyn. They were posts that I had milled into 2 inch boards and simply slide them through the iron brackets. The mill I use is in Kingston, NY. Basically you tell them what kind of wood you want and they make it happen. They also milled wood for my house.
Here is the desk/counter finished.
Next up is the conference table. We wanted something that resembled an old workbench, like the one in everyones basement. But I couldn’t find anything after searching flea markets and junk shops. What I did find was on old biology room table from a high school in the Bronx. They were disposing of these tables to make room for new ones and one of the teachers had the foresight to take them and sell them on craig’s list. This table is at least 90 years old and is solid oak. At first I hated the top and wasn’t going to use it but when I flipped it up on its side to carry it I saw the bottom. It was untouched All we had to do was take it apart and flip it over, scrape off the gum and I got this. Sick right! Oh and I polyurethaned it to seal in all the nastiness. you know dissected frogs and stuff.
Thats Ronnie and Danny pretending to work!
Now for some of the details. The lights I have seen in a bunch of restaurants and I loved them so that was easy. And the perfect addition to any creative office is always a fully stocked beer fridge!
Ronnie and I had to completely rewire the existing lighting, with the help of an electrician of course!
There are a ton of people I need to thank Specifically Ronnie, Kerry, and Nancy. They had tons of patience with me through all of this, thanks guys!
And thats that, now to catch up on all those wedding albums : )
Oh yeah one last thing. I will be updating the blog way, way more frequently now, and we have a wedding this weekend, Orchard beach, its going to be Awesome.
It looks great Ricky! Welcome back to blogging! We missed you! Have a great weekend with wonderful weather for the kickoff of your wedding season.
The office looks awesome! Can’t wait to see it in person!
Ricky, it looks fantastic!! Your ideas are always unbelieveable! Good Luck with it. I’ll talk to you soon.
WOW! It looks great! Nice job. Love all the finishing touches. Can you come help Joe and I finish the renovations on our house now…? What a process, but so worth it in the end. Can’t wait to see it in person and sooo looking forward to all the new blogging, especially this summer….. ) See you soon!
Wow, the office looks awesome… Congrats and good luck with it! Loved reading about all the very cool stuff you did! Hope all is well 🙂
Looks really great. Glad the new season is starting. I look forward to every weekend and admiring the beautiful couples and your authentic talent. Best wishes in the new office and take it away Ricky….