angela + vinny : 2009.11.21
When Vinny told me that he wanted to stop briefly at his body shop and service station before we headed to Brooklyn my mind started racing. I will admit that I was nervous at first. How can I possibly make this cool and sexy at the same time. How will we do this without destroying her dress. (Well that was the easy part, I swiped a towel from the garage at vinnys house!) When we arrived at the station Vinnys father had arranged for all his loyal customers and friends to welcome them, what a nice touch. I couldn’t believe how many people showed up! We only had a few minutes to make this happen so I immediately started walking around hoping to get quickly inspired. It turned out to be easy. The spray booth is where they spray cars and then let the paint bake on. But its lit with tons of fluorescent lights. It reminded me of that michael jackson video (I don’t remember what it was called, not really a michael jackson fan but the video stands out in my mind).
I never would have imagined it to go so well but it turned out to be one of the easiest shoots ever. And now Vinny and Angela will have something different to forever remember their day.
Thanks guys for this awesome day!
oh the slideshow music is not their first dance. I dont remember what the first dance song was. But this was the song that was playing when the 2 hour traffic I was sitting in finally opened up on 87 at 1am. : |
Its not exactly a love song so Im happy to change it if someone knows Vinny and Anges first dance song…
Thanks Lisa for the song update!
Dave from moving pictures just sent me the link to Vinny and Angela’s internet recap. This is by far one of the best edits dave and his team have ever done. I am really impressed with their ability as artists and their vision on this project. (whats up Joe Video) Check it out…
angela & vinny 11.21.09 from moving pictures llc on Vimeo.
Ricky! You are THE best photographer!!! MJ video is SCREAM that the photobooth shot reminds me of! Their first song is After All- Cher and Peter Cetera
hey ricky! i’ve been going to that shop for years now – in fact i grew up in that neighborhood (just diagonal from shop) and when vinny told me that you were going to shoot there i couldn’t wait to see what you would do – AWESOME, as always! Very cool! And yes, that shot in shop where they paint/bake the cards reminds me too of the MJ song “scream” that he did with his sister janet! 🙂 hope all is well! congratulations to vinny and angela!
Greetings from Mexico! Lisa told me the pictures were up and so we thought it was worth the 20 cents a minute to log on from mexico to see! WE LOVE THESE PICTURES! Thank you so much. we had a ton of fun with the whole crew and now have the most perfect memories.
Ok, I’m cryin…It may be work to you guys..but to be part of such happiness must send you all home in such great moods….BRILLIANT…love the concept.great idea on the grooms end…congrats to the gorgeous couple.
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Ricky you are the man!