A message to my peers. (in my area)
Preface – You’re going to read this and think, “my God this guy is an ego maniac.” That might be true, : ) but, on the contrary, I’m just frustrated. I try very hard to stay current and ahead of the curve.
A message to my peers (in my area)
So recently I’ve noticed that you are all changing your websites. May I say it has been long due!
We all look at each other’s work, so lets not pretend. Truthfully, I’m happy to see you all stepping it up,
and this has given me the opportunity to see how your styles are evolving.
It has been said that imitation is the best form of flattery and trust me I’m flattered!
But Instead of being a “copy cat”, try this: when you see something on my blog and you love it, use it to inspire you. Don’t just do the exact same thing. Put your twist on it. We all get stuck in a rut sometimes. But that’s the best part of our jobs. Every day is something different. We wake up in different moods; sometimes there is sun sometimes there’s not. Our subjects are all very unique. So, get to know them – we owe them our best effort. Not every bride belongs sitting on the floor. Don’t just follow the recipe that is working for me; because, you are not me. You are you. Now go develop that.
How many times have you arrived at the popular place for photos to see 3 other photographers fighting over the same spot? That’s the best opportunity to go for it and break the mold. Some of the best photos I’ve taken are in locations I have never shot before.
Anyway, the purpose is not to rant. However, you know who you are, I need not mention names. I’m glad I set the bar higher this season now go out there and create something outrageous and unique to yourself.
P.S. – If you get nothing out of this and I’m still your “inspiration” at least be smart and don’t post those friggin’ shots on your site : )
This is how I feel!
It’s ok to have an ego… frankly, I’m surprised mine fits through my front door. Great post!
Ricky you are the best and so funny! They could all try as much as they want..they won’t even come close! I feel so fortunate to have you and Ronnie shoot my wedding! Cant wait!
You tell them Ricky~~ Great post!!!
This is my first official post. You told me when we met to book that you post pics all new wedding pics, so i just started to check you new season out. Your histerical. what a post!! I love it!! Looking so foward for you guys working my wedding. Although i know its not for a looong time. BTW…your daughter(s) is (are) beautiful. ohhh and your work as well…lol
Good for you Ricky!!! The can all try but will never succeed like you do!
Well said Ricky, Bravo!!
Well said ricky! There is a lot of people right now pulling pictures off their website going “it wasn’t me”. To bad we already know who they are!!!!!
I bet if you started wearing a cape to all your jobs (like a very intelligent friend once advised), things like this wouldn’t happen. People fear and respect the cape!
RICKY all I have to say to that is…………. YOU ROCK! lol
You go Ricky! There is no one like you!! I could see why they copy! You’re the best! Haters! LOL!
“Them chickens jockin’ your style. They try copy your swagger. You’re on that next shit now – You so 3008
They so 2000 and late.”