what no wedding this weekend?
Nope, the winter is coming!
So in order to keep the blog current and interesting I decided to pull some of the engagement photos I shot in the past few weeks.
But most importantly I want to introduce everyone to Nancy.
You might remember her from this years weddings. The photos were in the gallery section of my website for the first half of the year,
she was the bride with the blue shoes and her husband Frankie was standing on the guard rail under the Throggs Neck Bridge.
Still don’t remember her, here is the post.
Anyway she is the new studio manager and in charge of everything office related.
In the future you will get emails from her, and me, but mostly her regarding things like timelines for your weddings, booking appointments, picking up proofs/albums.
So you can put a face with the name here’s nancy!
And here are some of my favorite engagement shots from the past few weeks.
Yes it has been a busy few weeks. : |
You couldn’t have found a person more perfect than Nancy to be your assistant! Congrats again, Nance on landing an awesome job! Ricky, your work is always so beautiful — the picture of Nancy is stunning!
PS- Nance, I’m borrowing that shirt!