I don’t even know where to begin with this. It all started Thursday afternoon when I tried to move my website from one server to another. That totally didn’t work, at all, I lost everything! The only thing that I had a backup of was this blog. I was completely lost, but thanks to the work of my brilliant web designer Kris Locascio we were up and running in a few short days. The site is being completely rebuilt and should be 100% by the middle of the week.

So yeah, its now 1:45 and I just finished blogging all three weddings, I couldn’t leave my dedicated monday morning blog readers out in the cold. And trust me the blog party is not ending here for the week. I have 5 portrait clients tomorrow and 3 engagement sessions to shoot this week so if your into it check back mid week. Shit maybe you should all become a wednesday morning blog checker. Alright enough I’m going to bed.


Oh yeah – what do you think of the new music? And yes I know song number three is a song about some dude that runs into his ex girlfriend and cant deal. Not really wedding related, but still a killer song!