house of cards
Since the beginning of my photographic career, I have been searching for unique business cards. I can’t stand poorly designed logos and business stationary. I am so lucky to have found what, I think, is the coolest business cards around. Letterpress. For those of you not familiar with letterpress stationary, it is a very heavy paper stock with the printing debossed into the paper, then inked. I found a company that has done many cards for photographers. Studio Z in California. Zida was an absolute pleasure to do business with and really helped with the final layout and design of the card. For all of you that really want a rare style invitation, I strongly recommend something letterpress. Seriously, you will never see anything like it. Don’t believe me stop by and pick up one of my new cards!!
When it came to photographing it, I certainly could not just take a simple picture! I had to do something out of the ordinary. The fact that the cards are so thick made them perfect materials to build a house of cards!
After we were done, it was more fun to take it down! : )
That is the most fantastic thing I have ever seen. I am laughing right out loud. Thank you for the matchless creativity in shooting your cards, and for the testimonial about Studio Z Mendocino’s letterpress printing and design…it was definitely MY pleasure to work with You. I hope your cards bring you more business than you know what to do with.
Knockin’ down the House
in the New Year…
I’m cracking up over Ronnie knocking it down! The cards look very nice. Thanks for putting the link to them in the post.
I want a job at Park Place Photo!!
Your hysterical Eric. Lets see some photography skills maybe we can fit you in : )